All About Material Bootstrap Admin Template Web Apps And UI Kit
Material – Bootstrap Admin Template has a beautiful, modern and attractive design concept. Material is a fully Responsive Admin Dashboard Template built with Bootstrap 4.2 framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3 and is perfect to be viewed from any device as well as the viewport. This Template contains different styles of RTL-ready dashboards, data presentations, and many other components.
The Material Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template provides a powerful overview of your business’s key metrics. It displays total user numbers, new orders, earnings from the past week, and products delivered, allowing you to monitor operational efficiency. The audience graph offers insights into user demographics and engagement trends, while separate graphs for new and old users from the previous week reveal patterns in user acquisition and retention. The sales overview graph tracks your sales performance over time, helping identify trends and opportunities. Additionally, recent notifications keep you informed about critical updates and activities. This dashboard is designed to consolidate vital information into an intuitive interface, enabling effective management and strategic decision-making for your business.
It has some amazing features like
85+ Plugins
700+ HTML pages
Many different types of charts
4000+ Font Icons
800+ UI components and many more
Let’s discuss more its dashboards and other features in detail.
Main Dashboard :
Material has a main dashboard which comes with Agent Profile, Sales Overview, Recent Notifications, New Updates, Tasks, Appointment, Support Tickets, etc
Dashboard 2 :
Dashboard 2 of Material Admin Template is equipped with Sales Report, Recent Orders, New Feedbacks, Total Profit, New Orders, Income, Visits, User Activity, Performance Tracker, Open Project Section, etc
Dashboard 3 :
Dashboard 3 has functions like Analytics Reports, Status, Activity, Members Online, Current Server load, Direct Chat, Today’s Revenue, Storage, Company Revenue, etc
Dashboard 4 :
Dashboard 4 of Material – Bootstrap Admin Template offer functions like User Report, Total Profit, New Feedback, New orders, New users, Top products, Inbound Bandwidth, User List, Finance Stats, Support Case, etc
Dashboard 5 :
Material Admin Dashboard Template comes with Dashboard 4 which helps in performing functions like Analysis, Total User, New Orders, Last Week Earnings, Products Delivered, Last week’s Analysis, Total Leads, Total Vendor, Device User, Financial Overview, etc.
Dashboard 6 :
Dashboard 6 helps in functions like Overview, Sales, Returns, Purchases, Download, Your Balance, Recent Transactions, Your Credit Limit, Interest, Daily Sales Report, Recent Top Products, etc
Chat App :
The Chat App feature of the Material Bootstrap Template will help to have conversations and discussions with your members and employees.
ChartJS :
The material provides various ChartJS such as Bar chart, Line charts, Combo Bar/Line, Data Labelling, Radar Chart, Bar Chart, Doughnut Chart, Line Chart, Pie Chart, Polar Area Chart and Bubble Chart.
Trending Bootstrap Admin Template for Web Apps will make your web application more professional, more popular, and increase your customer satisfaction. Contact us at www.bootstrapadmintemplate.com or you can send us an email at info@bootstrapadmintemplate.com.