Bootstrap Admin Web App

Bootstrap Admin Web App Template Dashboard UI Kit – Ruby

Ruby is one of the most extraordinary and well-liked Bootstrap Admin Web App templates ever released. The tool has many layout variations and works as HTML5, CSS3 and J query templates.

Ruby Bootstrap Template Comes with Form in Advanced Form Elements, Code Editor, Editors, Form Wizard, General Form Elements, Mask Form Elements, Form Validation. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it.

Ruby is a Bootstrap Admin Template with an attractive design concept. More than 100+ features and widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier.

Bootstrap Admin Dashboard




The Dashboard of Ruby Bootstrap Admin Web App Includes Total Invest, Total Expense, Total Revenue, Total Balance, Portfolio – AAPL, Messages, Server loading.

Layout Options

Ruby Premium Admin Template Provides Boxed, Fixed, Collapsed Sidebar.


Ruby Bootstrap Admin Template Provides Chat app, Calendar, Profile, Social, Widgets.

Sample Pages

Ruby Dashboard Admin Template Provides Blank, Coming Soon, FAQ, Gallery, Invoice, Lightbox Popup, Pace.


Ruby Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Login, Register, Lockscreen, Recover Password.

Error Pages

Ruby Responsive Web Application Kit Template Provides 404, 500, Maintenance.

Google Map

Ruby Bootstrap Admin Web App Provides Simple Basic Map, Market with Info window, Over Layer Map, Polygonal Map, Routes Map, Styled Map.

Vector Map

Ruby Bootstrap Admin HTML Provides World Map.


Ruby Bootstrap Admin Web App comes with Mailbox. The mailbox enables you to communicate professionally with people.


Ruby Admin Dashboard UI Kit Provides Advanced, Basic, Color, Group.


Ruby Dashboard Templates Comes with ChartJS, Flot, Inline Charts, Morris.


Ruby Bootstrap UI Kit Provides Advanced Elements, Code Editor, Editors, Form Validation, Form Wizard, General Elements.

Simple tables

Ruby Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Provides Responsive Hover Table, Basic Table, Table Hover, Bordered Table, Simple Full-Width Table, Striped Full Width Table Striped rows.

Data tables

Ruby Admin Panel Provides Hover Export Data Table, Data Table With Full Features.

Table Color

Ruby Responsive Bootstrap Admin Provides Background colors, Table row borders, Pale background, Solid background.


Ruby Premium Admin Template Provides General Buttons, Button with an outline, Rounded Buttons, Rounded Outline Buttons, Button Sizes, Flat Buttons, Button with icon, Split buttons, Button with Dropdown, Horizontal Button Group.

User Card

Ruby Admin Templates Provides Scroll down effect, Scroll up effect, Fade-in effect, Card with Image.


Ruby Bootstrap Admin Templates Provides Background colors, Border colors, Text colors.


Ruby Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Dropdown Basic, and Dropdown menu.


Ruby Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Left Modal, Center Modal, Fill Modal, Right Modal, Large modal, Medium model, Small model.


Ruby Responsive Web Application Kit Provides Simple Toastr Alerts, Alert Full top, Alert Full Bottom, Alert Full top, Alert Full Bottom with image, Alert Top Right, Alert Top Left, Alert Bottom Left, Alert Bottom Right, Dismissable Alerts with title, Callouts, Normal Alerts, Dismissable Alerts.

Sweet Alert

Ruby Bootstrap Admin Web App Provides A basic message, Title with a text under, Success Message, Warning message, Alert with Image, Alert with time.


Ruby Bootstrap Admin Web App Provides Custom tab Tab, Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown, Customtab2 Tab, Nav Pills Tabs, Custom tab vertical Tab Icon, Nav Pills Tabs, Tab with icon, Fill, Horizontal alignment, Horizontal alignment, Default Tab.


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$ United States (US) dollar
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