Alfa RTL Admin Dashboard is a Bootstrap Admin Templates Bootstrap with the modern design concept. Lots of Elements added such as Responsive Web widgets Kit for all your Need, Apps & Pages, MailBox Section, 3000+ Font Icons, 600+ UI Components, Dark & Light Sidebar and much more.
Alfa RTL admin Dashboard is a Premium Responsive Admin Dashboard Templates with the modern design concept. The easiest and active way to build web UI for your dashboard or app. Our beautifully-designed UI Framework comes with hundreds of customizable features.
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Admin Templates Bootstrap comes with Attractive Dashboard. Impressive Dashboard is an eye-catching design for customers to stay a long time on your website. It is a reliable, user-friendly and easy to customize.
Support Ticket
Alfa RTL –
Premium Admin Templates provided List of ticket opened by customers. To provide better support, we use Support Tickets – you describe the problem on our website, and send the form so there is created a ticket with a unique ID
Chat App
Alfa RTL –
Admin Templates provides Chat App. You will see a search contact on the left side and Chat messages on the right side.
Alfa RTL
Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides you, Calendar. The
Calendar app is designed to save you time and help you make the most of every day. Schedule View brings your schedule to life and makes it easy.
Alfa RTL – Responsive
Bootstrap Admin Templates provides Contact/Employee App. you will see all contact list on the left side and contact employee list on the right side.
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Userlist Grid


Alfa RTL Dashboard Premium Admin Templates comes with the user Inbox. you will see Mailbox and folders on the left side and inbox on the right side.
User Profile

Alfa RTL –
Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template provides user profile app. You can manage your settings such as your email address, Phone No, Address. Your user profile also displays recent work in the Activity Stream, Timeline and much more.

Alfa RTL – Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template comes with the user list. you will see user list that includes user name, his/her Designation, social media sharing icons.

Alfa RTL Dashboard provides Compose mail. Quickly send emails to your frequent contacts using Speed Dial.

Alfa RTL – Responsive
Bootstrap Admin Templates provides Badges in UI Kit.
Badges scale to match the size of the immediate parent element by using relative font sizing and em units.
Badges can be used as part of links or buttons to provide a counter.
Read Mail

Alfa RTL –
Bootstrap Admin Template comes with Reading Mail. you will see compose on the left side and read mail on the right side.
Bootstrap Switch

Alfa RTL –
Premium Admin Template provided Various types of buttons. Using the base class. Button such as
Horizontal Button Group, Vertical Button Group, Social buttons Icon with Name, Social buttons Icon, With Circle buttons, With rounded buttons on the left side and
Different colors, Application Buttons, Split buttons, Button Addon on the right side
Buttons UI

Alfa RTL Dashboard – Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates provides Button UI. Button UI Includes,
- Buttons
- Horizontal Button Group
- Different colors
- Application Buttons
Border Utilities

You can add solid borders to an element using the following classes. You’re able to change the border color using border color utility classes.
Blog widgets

Alfa RTL –
Premium Admin Template provides Blog widgets, A Blog Post with Description, Beautiful Image Blog Post, Awesome Youtube Blog Post, Look at the sky, Awesome Soundcloud Blog Post, Awesome Gallery Blog Post, Awesome Quote Blog Post, Sample Listing Blog Post, Memories of the vacation
Chart Widgets

Alfa RTL –
Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard provides a Different Chart Widgets. you will see Top Locations, Top Advertisers, ANALYSIS, MAXIMUM BOUNCE.
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