Material – Unique Bootstrap 4 Admin Template With Bootstrap Dashboard
Material is a Bootstrap 4 Admin Template with an attractive design concept. The material comes with mega menu and setting. Bootstrap Admin Template Come with SaaS.
The Material Bootstrap Admin Template offers a comprehensive view of your business metrics. It displays the total number of users, new orders, last week’s earnings, and products delivered, providing a clear snapshot of your operational status. The audience graph helps visualize user engagement, while the graphs for last week’s new and old users highlight trends in user acquisition and retention. The sales overview graph offers insights into sales performance, and recent notifications keep you updated on important events. This dashboard is designed to streamline data analysis and enhance decision-making for your business.
RTL Ready Dashboard Responsive and Retina Ready for All Devices.
A fully Responsive Web Application Kit built with Bootstrap 4.2 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3.
The material can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, Saas, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog, etc.
More than 100+ features and with widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier.
Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smart phone devices.
Admin Dashboard
Sales Dashboard
Analytics Dashboard
Report Dashboard
Analysis Dashboard
Admin Dashboard
Blog Widgets
Chart Widgets
The Dashboard of Material Bootstrap 4 Admin Template Includes Report, Direct Chat, Company Revenue.
Material Premium Admin Template Provides Widgets and it consists of Blog, Chart, and Widgets.
Material Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Buttons and it consists of Gradient Buttons, General Buttons, Light Buttons, Button with outline, light Button with outline, Rounded Buttons, Light Rounded Buttons, Rounded Outline Buttons, Light Rounded Outline Buttons, Button Sizes, Flat Buttons, Light Flat Buttons, Button with icon, Split buttons, Button with Dropdown, Circle Buttons, Horizontal Button Group, Vertical Button Group, Social buttons Icon with Name, Social buttons Icon, Social Icon With Circle buttons, and Application Buttons.
Material Responsive Web Application Kit Provides Color and it consists of Background colors, Gradient colors, SVG Img Background, Border colors, and Text colors.
Material Dashboard Template Provides Dropdown and it consists of Dropdown Basic and Dropdown menu.
Dropdown Grid
Material Bootstrap UI Kit Template Provides Dropdown Grid and it consists of Icons, Icons and title, Color icons, Color icons and title, 2 cols, 4 cols, Disabled item, and Active item.
Progress Bars
Material Bootstrap Admin Web App Provides Progress Bars and it consists of Progress Bars Different Sizes, Progress bars, Vertical Progress Bars Different Sizes, and Vertical Progress bars.
Material Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Provides Icons and it consists of Font Awesome, Glyphicons, Material Icons, Themify Icons, Simple Line Icons, Crypto coins Icons, Flag Icons, and Weather Icons.
Material Dashboard Template Provides Ribbons and it consists of Dark Ribbon, Primary Ribbon, Success Ribbon, Info Ribbon, Warning Ribbon, and Danger Ribbon.
Material Bootstrap UI Kit Template Provides Sliders and it consists of Carousel Slider Only Slide, Carousel Slider with Controls, Carousel Slider with Indicators, Carousel Slider With captions, Image Slider, Image Slider thumbnails, Image carousel, and Bootstrap Range Slider.
Material Responsive Admin DashboardProvides Typography and it consists of Headlines, Heading with subtitle, Text Emphasis, Alignment text, Font weight and italics, Block Quotes, Block Quotes Pulled Right, Unordered List, Ordered Lists, and Unstyled List.
Material Admin Templates Provides Tabs and it consists of Vertical Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab, Tab with dropdown, Customtab2 Tab, Custom tab vertical Tab Icon, Tab with icon, Nav Pills Tabs, Nav Pills Tabs, Fill, Horizontal alignment, Horizontal alignment, Default Tab, and Customtab Tab.
Material Premium Admin Template Provides Badges and it consists of Basic badge styling, Pill, More colors, Sizing, Dot badges, and Ring badges.
Bootstrap Switch
Material Bootstrap 4 Admin Template Provides Bootstrap Switch and it consists of Color, and Sizes.
Material Dashboard Admin Template Provides Modals and it consists of Left Modal, Center Modal, Fill Modal, Right Modal, Large modal, Medium model, and Small model.
Material Responsive Bootstrap Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Notification and it consists of Simple Toastr Alerts, Normal Alerts, Dismissable Alerts, Dismissable Alerts with title, and Callouts.
Sweet Alert
Material Responsive Web Application Kit Template Provides Sweet Alert and it consists of A Basic message, Title with a text under, Success Message, Warning message, A basic message, Alert with Image, and Alert with time.
Material Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Provides Animations and it consists of Attention seekers, Bouncing entrances, Bouncing exits, Fading entrances, Fading exits, Flip animations, Lightspeed animations, Rotating entrances, Rotating exits, Special animations, Zoom entrances, and Zoom exits.
Material Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Comes with ChartJS in Pie Chart, Doughnut Chart, Radar Chart, Bubble Chart, Bar Chart, bar-chart-horizontal, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Line Chart, Bar Chart, Radar Chart, Polar area Chart, and Polar Area Chart.
Material Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates Comes with Flot in Line Chart, Interactive Area Chart, Bar Chart, Full-Width Area Chart, and Donut Chart.
Inline charts
Material Bootstrap UI Kit Template Comes with Inline chart in Display previous value, Cursor mode, Disable display input, Angle offset, Angle offset and arc, Angle offset and arc, Readonly, digit values, step 1000-5, Readonly, Readonly, Readonly, Sparkline examples, Sparkline Bar, Sparkline line, and Sparkline Pie.
Material Bootstrap Templates Comes with Morris in Donute Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart, Line Chart, and Area Chart.
Material Admin Panel Templates Comes with Peity in Updating Charts, Bar Chart, Pie, Donut Chart, and Line Chart.
Material Responsive Admin Dashboard Comes with Chartist in Animating a Donut with Svg.animate, SVG Path animation, Advanced SMIL Animations, Line chart with the area, Bi-polar Line chart with an area only, Gauge Chart, Horizontal bar chart, Stacked bar chart, Bi-polar bar chart, Holes in data, Simple line chart, Extreme responsive configuration, and Filled holes in data.
Axis Chart
Material Bootstrap Dashboard Admin Templates Comes with Axis Chart in X-axis timezone Chart, X-axis tick culling Chart, Category Axis Chart, Rotated Axis Chart, Range for Y-axis Chart, Y-axis Chart, and X-axis tick fitting Chart.
Bar Chart
Material Admin Dashboard UI Kit Comes with Bar Chart in Donut Chart, Column Chart, Bar Chart, Stacked Column Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, and Pie Chart.
Data Chart
Material Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Comes with Data Chart in Data Color Chart, Category Data Chart, Columns Oriented Data Chart, Row Oriented Data Chart, and Data Order Chart.
Line Chart
Material Responsive Web Application Kit Template Comes with Line Chart in Spline Chart, Area Chart, Simple Line Chart, Simple XY Line Chart, Step Chart, Line Region Chart, and Multiple XY Line Chart.
Basic Charts
Material Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates Comes with Basic Charts in Basic Line Chart, Rainfall, Stacked Line Chart, Basic Area Chart, Gradient Line Chart, and Stacked Area Chart.
Bar Chart
Material Premium Admin Template Comes with Bar Chart in Basic Bar Chart, Bar Basic Chart, Stacked column Chart, and Stacked Bar Chart.
Pie & Doughnut Chart
Material Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template Comes with Pie & Doughnut Chart in Basic Doughnut Chart, Basic Pie chart, Nested Pie Chart, Customized Chart, Nightingale Rose Chart, Pole Chart, and Bar Polar Stack Radial.
Material Bootstrap 4 Admin Templates Provides Forms and it consists of Form Elements, Form Layout, Form Wizard, Form Validation, Formatter, Xeditable Editor, Dropzone, Code Editor, Editor, and Markdown.
Simple tables
Material Premium Admin TemplateProvides Simple Tables and it consists of Breakpoint specific, Responsive Hover Table, Default Table, Dark Table, Table head options, Table head options, Table Striped, Table dark Striped, Table bordered, Table Dark bordered, Table borderless, Table Dark borderless, Hoverable rows, Hoverable Dark Table rows, Small table, and Small table.
Data Tables
Material Bootstrap Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Data Tables and it consists of Complex headers (rowspan and colspan), Individual column searching, Form inputs, Data Table With Full Features, and Hover Export Data Table.
Editable Tables
Material Admin Dashboard UI Kit Template Provides Editable Tables and it consists of Editable with Datatable and Simple Editable table.
Table color
Material Bootstrap Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Table color and it consists of Primary Table, Success Table, Info Table, Warning Table, Danger Table, Inverse Table, Primary Table, Success Table, Info Table, Warning Table, Danger Table, Inverse Table, Background colors, and Table row borders.
Material Premium Admin Template Provides Invoice and it consists of Invoice and Invoice List.
Material Responsive Bootstrap Admin Web App Provides Authentication and it consists of Login, Login 2, Register, Register 2, Lockscreen, and Recover Password.
Error Pages
Material Responsive Web Application Kit Provides Error Pages and it consists of Error 404, Error 403, Error 400, Error 500, Error 503, and Maintenance.
Sample Pages
Material Bootstrap UI Kit Template Provides Sample Pages and it consists of Blank, Coming Soon, Custom Scrolls, Pricing, Gallery, Lightbox Popup, FAQ.
Material Responsive Bootstrap Dashboard Admin Templates Provides Extra and it consists of Calendar, Support Ticket, Profile, and Project Dashboard.
Material Responsive Web Application Kit Provides Mailbox and it consists of Inbox, Compose, and Read.
Ecommerce Pages
Material Bootstrap Dashboard Template Provides Products, Products Cart, Products Edit, Product Details, Product Orders, Products Checkout.
Layout Options
Material Dashboard Admin Template Provides Layout Options and it consists of Boxed, Fixed, and Mini Sidebar.
Page Layouts
Material Premium Admin Template Provides Page Layouts and it consists of Inner Left Sidebar, Inner Right Sidebar, Inner Fixed Left Sidebar, and Inner Fixed Right Sidebar.
Material Responsive Web Application Kit Provides Contact and it consists of Chat app, Contact / Employee, Userlist Grid, and Userlist.
Material Bootstrap Admin Web App Template Provides Icons and it Consists of Font Awesome, Glyphicons, Material Icons, Themify Icons, Simple Line Icons, and Crypto coins Icons.
Box Cards
Material Premium Admin Template Provides Box Cards and it consists of User Card, Advanced Card, Basic Card, Card Color, and Card Group.
One Word “Excellent” suits the most for This Material Admin Dashboard Template ….
Thank you sir, thank you very much for appreciating our Material admin template.
Modern Design website Material Bootstrap Templates looks amazing .. Very Workable Admin Template .. Good Work
Thank you sir, we are glad that you liked our Material admin template. , Visit our web sites to see such best admin template dashboard.
Fantastic and Fabulous Material Bootstrap 5 Admin Templates. I like this Admin Template and the quality of every dashboard. Big thumbs up!
Thank you very happy to tell you that you have bought our best selling Material admin template, you will get all the great features in it thank you sir.
Very impressive and clean Material Admin Dashboard design work. Thank you very much for your effort.
Thank you very much sir, we also try to make the best Material bootstrap admin template for you. We are glad that you have chosen our admin template.
This Material Bootstrap Admin Web App looks awesome! Congratulations for all this hard and good work by Multipurpose Team.
Thank you sir, our main aim is to provide new and best Material admin template to our customers, if you have any problem with our admin template, please contact us, we will be happy to help you,
It’s a great Material Responsive Admin Dashboard Template. I use it on a daily basis and never get tired of it. Wel Done…
Thank you sir, we want to tell you that you will get to see the best quality in any of our Material Dashboard Admin Templates, if you want to see more of our admin templates.
This is next level Material Admin Dashboard UI Kit, really loved it . Enjoy Work With these fantastic admin templates.
Best wishes sir, thanks for appreciating and suggesting our premium Material admin template.
“Just one word for you: “” Best Material Bootstrap Admin Template Ever “”
Congratulations on this great work in Multipurpose Theme you did. I don’t think you have an idea how much you’re helping us”
Thank you sir, we are very happy with the good experience you got by using our Material Admin Tilte and want to tell us that we always create Bootstrap Admin Dashboard keeping in mind the needs of our customers, so that our customers get complete satisfaction.
Very informative Material Responsive Admin Dashboard Template and easy to customize!.. Love This Admin Template . Really flexible. Really well designed. Great support.
Thank you very much sir, we are very happy that you got benefit in your business with the help of our Material admin template. And in our admin template, you will get to see many new features, which will make your work easier and you will enjoy working.
This is a feature Wonderful , well documented and well Dashboard Design.Material Responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin . A good layout, easy to use well done guys for such a sensational work !
Thank you sir This Material admin template is our best selling admin template. , This template includes all of our cool and innovative features… and you won’t find our Material admin template like anywhere else on the market.